Gallery bed & breakfast Villa des PrésEnglish landscape gardenVilla des Prés at village sidehenhouseEnglish borderwalled vegetable gardencarriage shed and horse stableglimpse from le Vallonview from the dining roometernal supervisionstill life at Villa des Présle Vallonhorse stablepond and flowering tamarisksunriseminiature in la SantiagoVilla des Prés in 1905ancient ashyellow kitchensalonhallway to dining roomEnglish border with henhouseseat neat the Libanese cedarbed & breakfast Villa des Présview from the self catering apartmenttack roomfresh eggsChatchouwalled vegetable gardenhorse stablehay timeholiday cottageyellow kitchenLibanese cedardining roomview to village sideview to monastry and Roman Cluny-churchthunderstorm above Villa des Présin the shadow underneath the kiwifront gardensea of morning fog in the valleygrass border in orchardwisteria aside kitchen stairspondVilla des Prés in wintertimegrass garden and orchard in wintertimeview from Vallon and OiseauxArabian princess sandalshallway self catering apartmentroom le VallonMaria and Bernadettehaystackcorridor in cellarhallway first floorsheep in barnlime-treenew lifehenhouseold pig shedkitchen in self catering apartmentroses against kitchen wallsheep shedchef d'équipefeed-rack horse stablechamber music in salonhallway on the atticold monastry wall in vegetable gardenpilgrim with horse visiting Villa des Préswintertime at Villa des Préssheep barnchicken settled downwood storageAustrian pineBach Ensemble Amsterdam hosted by Saint Révérien Bach Ensemble Amsterdan hosted by Saint RévérienThis content is also available in: Nederlands English Français Deutsch Español